English To Tagalog: Tagalog Translation of “Porridge”

English To Tagalog Porridge

English To Tagalog – What is the Tagalog Translation of porridge? ENGLISH TO TAGALOG – Here is the Tagalog translation of the English word “porridge”. Most of us are familiar with the English term of certain food like the porridge. However, there are times when we struggle finding their Tagalog translation or equivalent. What does … Read more

English To Tagalog: Tagalog Translation of “Landed”

English To Tagalog Landed

English To Tagalog – What is the Tagalog Translation of landed? ENGLISH TO TAGALOG – Here is the Tagalog translation of the English word “landed”. Undeniably, many of us now are more familiar with the English language than the Filipino language. Most of the time, we struggle translating English words to Tagalog. One of the … Read more

English To Tagalog: Tagalog Translation of “Oven”

English To Tagalog Oven

English To Tagalog – What is the Tagalog Translation of oven? ENGLISH TO TAGALOG – Here is the Tagalog translation of the English word “oven”. When it comes to home appliances and equipment, most of us are familiar with their English names. We undeniably struggle in translating them to Filipino just like the device oven. … Read more

English To Tagalog: Tagalog Translation Of “Overcooked”

English To Tagalog Overcooked

English To Tagalog – What is the Tagalog Translation of overcooked? ENGLISH TO TAGALOG – Here is the Tagalog translation of the English word “overcooked”. Undeniably, when referring to food that were cooked more than the required time, we are fond of using the word “overcooked”. But, with regards to its Tagalog translation or counterpart, … Read more

Translate English To Tagalog: Tagalog Translator | Filipino Translation

Translate English To Tagalog Tagalog Translator Filipino Translation

FILIPINO TRANSLATION: Tagalog Translator or ‘Translate English to Tagalog’ TRANSLATE ENGLISH TO TAGALOG: TAGALOG TRANSLATOR | FILIPINO TRANSLATION – Here is a list of the translation of English words into Tagalog words. Most of the people now are familiar with the English language as the universal language has come a very long way. We heard … Read more