Kindergarten Student Touches Hearts of Netizens w/ His Graduation Speech

Kindergarten Student

Kindergarten Student Fluently Delivers Graduation Speech Without Script ISABELA – A kindergarten student goes viral online and touched the hearts of the netizens with his graduation speech. A graduation speech is a formal address given during a graduation ceremony. It is typically delivered by a student, teacher, or guest speaker to mark the completion of … Read more

Marcos Accidentally Called Mayor Joy Belmonte as “Joy Beltran”

President Marcos Goes After Accidentally Calling QC Mayor Joy Belmonte as “Joy Beltran” Video of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr where he accidentally called Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte “Joy Beltra” goes viral. Social media is buzzing about President Marcos’ remarks at a meeting in Quezon City. President Marcos can be heard referring to the … Read more

Catriona Gray Airs Dismay After Cut Off During Speech at GP Festival

Catriona Gray

Catriona Gray Disappointed after Being Cut Off During Speech at GP Festival Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray vented her disappointment on social media after she allegedly was cut off during her speech at the Global Peace (GP) Festival. The beauty queen expressed her annoyance about her experience at the Global Peace Festival in Pampanga on … Read more

VP Sara Duterte Stops Speech Due to Sunlight: “Hindi ako nag sunblock”

VP Sara Duterte Pauses Speech After Hit by Sunlight Because Didn’t Apply Sunblock Vice President Sara Duterte goes viral after she pauses her speech after being hit by sunlight as she forgot to apply her sunblock. Following her speech interruption, the secretary of the Department of Education (DepEd) elicited reactions on social media. The netizens … Read more

Duterte Urged People To Look For Another ‘Marcos’

The President Urged People To Search For Another ‘Marcos’ In His Speech DUTERTE – President Rodrigo Duterte stood with his belief that the Philippines need another authoritative leader like ‘Marcos’. The president have shared many speeches throughout his years reigning as the state’s president. In some of his speeches, he has made controversial remarks that … Read more

President Duterte Says He ‘Cured’ Himself Of Gender Confusion

Here’s President Duterte’s Statements About Curing Himself From Gender Confusion PRESIDENT DUTERTE – President Rodrigo Duterte apparently said he was once gender confused but he cured himself with “beautiful women.” The president has been observed to have a different sense of humor. Maybe because of his presidential status, most of his jokes are often considered … Read more

Examples of Speech: 5 Speeches About Youth Nowadays


5 Examples of Speech About the Young Generation Now EXAMPLES OF SPEECH – Here are five (5) sample speeches about the youth nowadays. A speech refers to a material that is spoken in front of a small or large audience to deliver points regarding a subject. It can be about anything under the sun and … Read more

ABS-CBN Franchise Renewal Will Be Denied By President Duterte

President Duterte Will Cancel Renewal Of ABS-CBN Franchise Due To Gabby Lopez’ Alleged “Theft” and “Swindling” ABS-CBN FRANCHISE – The renewal of ABS-CBN Franchise may be hindered by President Duterte due to the alleged “theft” and “swindling” by Eugenio Lopez III. In the previous article, President Rodrigo Duterte will hand Certificates of Land Ownership Award to … Read more