Toni Gonzaga and Marcos Issue: How She Chooses People To Interview

This is how Toni Gonzaga chooses the person she wants to interview in her vlog show.

TONI GONZAGA – People online recalls a statement from Toni Gonzaga regarding her standards when it comes to choosing people she will interview.

When Toni Gonzaga opens her mouth to express her thoughts, rest assured that you will always learn something or pick something to reflect on to what she says over a certain matter. Jumping to vlogging, she is not the typical vlogger who will keep us entertained doing what she does in her random days or her travel. Her channel has introduced a show where people can speak their truth and their imperfections.

SEE: Toni On “Greatest Lesson” Bongbong Marcos Learned From His Father

But just recently, her newest episode which featured Bongbong Marcos has collected raged reactions. The interview has accordingly appeared like his late father’s leadership and dictatorship was not oppressive and abusive. They did not like how Toni allowed her platform to be of use to alter what has happened in the past. However, there were some who believed that the interview is meant to show fairness to politicians who have their stories to tell. She was just being neutral.

And now, with many people still cramming over the same issues regarding her interview with the politician, some also recalled what she said before during an interview with vlogger Wil Dasovich. Accordingly, when it comes to people she will want to feature in Toni Talks, there are no certain standards to follow or certain professions to avoid just to stay within the perimeter where her career and reputation will be at safety.

She can interview anyone and she is not making any category. This is because she believes that everyone has a story. Each person has something to share where others can learn a thing or two from. She is always open to talk to people who have “powerful stories”.

Also, she doesn’t have any favorites from the people she has guested already. Each of them has made some impact on her only that the one who accordingly made the greatest impact on her is the talk she had with Brother Bo Sanchez.

Here’s the full context of what she said when asked about how she chooses the person she talks to:

“I don’t categorize the people I interview. I look at all of them as people who have stories to share. No matter how bad a person is, no matter how good a person is, no matter how cancelled a person is by the society, every single person on this planet has a powerful story to tell. And no matter how bad their story is, we can always learn from that person. So I don’t categorize — ‘I’m not gonna interview politicians,’ ‘I’m not gonna interview managers,’ ‘I’m not gonna interview these celebrities…’ I’m just open to talking to people with powerful life stories.”

Watch the video below:


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