Raffy Tulfo Gets the Highest Trust, Approval Rating in a Survey

Raffy Tulfo Has the Highest Rating for Most Trusted and Approved Senator Senator Raffy Tulfo gets the highest trust and approval rating among the country’s current senators, based on a survey. Tulfo obtained the highest scores among senators, according to the findings of a significant data research business nationwide poll. Tulfo achieved a 90 percent … Read more

Duterte Gets 83% Trust, Approval Ratings Amid Issues in Months

The recent survey results of Pulse Asia revealed that President Rodrigo Duterte continues to enjoy high trust and approval ratings, amid several issues. It used face-to-face interviews with a ± 3 percent margin of error at the 95 percent confidence level. This came despite the issues that faced the president and his administration towards the … Read more

Good Net Satisfaction Rating Achieved By VP Robredo, Survey Says

Net Satisfaction Rating

Robredo’s Net Satisfaction Rating Increased, According To SWS Survey Good net satisfaction rating achieved by Vice President Leni Robredo three after sitting in the position, according to Social Weather Station (SWS) survey. The latest survey of SWS published by BusinessWorld shows that VP Leni Robredo’s performance increases the satisfaction of the respondents. The result of … Read more

SWS Survey Reveals Hunger Rate In PH Continues To Increase

SWS Survey

SWS survey showed that there is an increase in the hunger rate of the Filipinos. SWS SURVEY – Social Weather Stations (SWS) recently conducted a survey on the hunger experiences of Filipinos and result showed an increase. Hunger is undeniably one of the factors that greatly affects the present condition of the Philippine society. It … Read more

Pulse Asia: Economic Issues As The Top Concern Of Most Filipinos

Reports released from the recent survey conducted by Pulse Asia presented that Filipinos are more concerned with economic issues than that of national security and socio-political affairs. The pollster noted that the leading concerns among citizens are the inflation control, increase of worker’s pay, and the fight against government corruption which took 46, 44, and … Read more