Robredo’s Net Satisfaction Rating Increased, According To SWS Survey
Good net satisfaction rating achieved by Vice President Leni Robredo three after sitting in the position, according to Social Weather Station (SWS) survey.
The latest survey of SWS published by BusinessWorld shows that VP Leni Robredo’s performance increases the satisfaction of the respondents. The result of the survey from September 24 to 27 shows 16 percent were only dissatisfied, while 18 percent of respondents were undecided, and 65 percent of them are already satisfied with Leni’s performance resulting in a score of +49% which is “good.”
SWS net satisfaction rating were classified as +70 and above as “excellent”; +50 to +69, “very good”; +30 to +49, “good”; +10 to +29, “moderate”; +9 to -9, “neutral”; -10 to -29, “poor”; -30 to -49, “bad”; -50 to -69, “very bad”; and -70 and below, “execrable.” quoted by ABS-CBN.
In the same survey, President Rodrigo Duterte gained +64 percent net satisfaction which is classified as “very good”. Also, +37 net satisfaction rating which is “good”, 17 percent dissatisfied and 26 percent undecided was achieved by Senate President Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III.
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