Pitt Skips LA Premiere To Focus On His Current Family Situation
Brad Pitt cancelled red carpet appearance to focus on his current family situation and the actor doesn’t want to be distracted by this new film.
On Wednesday (September 28, 2016) the actor did not show on the red carpet for the film “Voyage of Time,” to focus on his family problems regarding the divorce filed by his wife Angelina Jolie.
The actor narrates the 40-minute film by Terrence Malick, featuring and examining the origins of the universe. The premiere of the film was scheduled on Wednesday but the actor did not show up.
According to Pitt, IMAX film was made for children and families that reveal the birth of time. He also said that the filmmaker, Terrence’s “Voyage of Time” is incredibly beautiful and surely viewers will have a unique experience watching this film.
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