Anti-Drug Campaign Videos Made By Brillante Mendoza
Anti-drug campaign videos made by Brillante Mendoza was already released by the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) on Friday (September 02, 2016).
The award winning film director Brillante Mendoza made TV ads that shows how can illegal drugs destroy the lives of individuals and not only the life of the users but also their family.
The advertisement focuses on the drug-user and pushers showing that a hopeless life and world awaits for them when they still continue to involve on illegal activities. The video also gives hope to the people involved in this illegal activities that it’s not too late to change.
Through this TV ads, the government encourages Filipinos that it’s never too late to be a “partner for change” the Duterte administration catchphrase.
The first video shows the life of a drug user with a negligent father and an OFW mother. While her mother is working hard abroad he’s spending the money sent by her mother to illegal drugs and other vices until he gets involved with different kind of crimes.
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