Friday The 13th – Here Are 13 Facts

Friday The 13th

Beware, Friday the 13th is upon us, and here are some facts about it. FRIDAY THE 13TH – Apart from being known as an unlucky day in many cultures, here are some other facts you probably don’t know yet. Oftentimes, Friday the 13th is associated with bad luck, misfortune, and superstitions. There are several notions … Read more

UNLUCKY? Here Are Some Facts About Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th

FRIDAY THE 13TH – This day is thought by many people to be the unluckiest day, here are the things you need to know. Many people consider  Friday the 13th as an ‘unlucky day’ and bad luck allegedly exists everywhere. It is even used in horror film franchises. The next one will occur on October … Read more

Facts About Friday The 13th That You Might Not Know

Friday The 13th

Friday the 13th Facts Here are some facts about Friday the 13th that you might not know, which is considered by some as an unlucky day. Nowadays, many people do not believe in superstitions and other paranormal events due to the modern technology. However, there are still some people who still believe in supernatural creatures … Read more