Video Of A Dog Saving Baby From A Car


A video of a dog who saved a baby from a car hooked the attention of the netizens in social media. VIDEO – A dog saved a playing baby from an approaching car. The video was shared by a Facebook page, The Adventure of Berting Bayagbag , where it had gathered a number of views, comments, … Read more

The Reason Why This Dog Don’t Want To Enter The Glass Door Will Really Make You Laugh Out Loud. Whew! He’s So Cute!

People sometimes walked with glass doors. Perhaps, this was because of some instances like they drunk, they don’t see the glass or simply, they are not looking it in the first place. Same case happened to this dog. The only difference is that he will not come in the house because he was thinking that … Read more

Meet Rocky, A French Bulldog On It’s Viral Video

Rocky, a dare devil French bulldog’s video doing his cutest leap ever had become viral. It’s really fun and exciting to have a pet in your house, or the pet you own by yourself. You can also get the satisfaction and love you can gain in other people. There would also be a time where … Read more

Amazing Dog Talking “I Love You” -Video

Husky Dog

According to the history the dog was the first animal to be tamed, and has been the most widely kept working animal, hunting and companion in human history. Dogs have worked and lived with humans in so many roles that they have earned the unique nickname, “man’s best friend” Dogs are a specially made version … Read more