List of 8 Parts of Speech in English & their Use in a Sentence
PARTS OF SPEECH IN ENGLISH – You can check here eight (8) parts of speech in English and the definition and examples of each of them.
Many people undeniably think that learning English is hard but the truth is that they missed the most important lessons that can make learning the subject so much easier. There are topics in English that can be considered as foundation in learning the subject.

One of the topics in English that is a solid foundation in learning the subject is the Parts of Speech in English. Undeniably, it is one of the most popular topics but not everyone master it.
There are eight (8) parts of speech in English and they are the noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjecion. Below, you can check on their functions as well as some examples.

1. Noun
The most popular parts of speech is the noun. It refers to the name of person, place, thing, event, etc. It is usually the subject or the doer of the action in a sentence.
Examples: Lincoln woke up early to avoid getting late at work again.
- The grass is not always greener on the other side.
- Mr. Benitez gave relief goods to the victims of flood.
2. Pronoun
Another part of speech is the pronoun. Its main function is to replace the noun in a sentence to avoid redundancy.
Examples: He, She, It, Her, Him, Their, Our, They, Them
- Harley went home drunk yesterday. That is why his mother got angry.
- Leo and Tan are going to the party. They will be joining Selwyn in the car.
3. Adjective
You might also be familiar with the adjective. It is a word that describes a noun or a pronoun in a sentence and it may also be a number.
Examples: huge, creative, small, dark, beautiful, three, friendly, lazy, timid, high, swift, tiny
- You go back to the blue house that is located beside the bridge.
- Gio knows that he is a handsome dog.
4. Verb
Also an important English part is the verb which is also often called as “action word”. As its name suggests, it shows action.
Examples: wrap, kiss, melt, throw, jump, wiggle
- Autumn wiggled her tail upon seeing her hooman entering the gate.
- Did Jeremy eat the spaghetti?
5. Adverb
The adverb is a part of speech in English that gives more information about the verb in the sentence. It usually ends in “ly”.
Examples: speedily, creatively, uniquely, quickly
- Dr. Ramirez quickly answered the nurse’s call.
- Did Jonathan uniquely design your Christmas tree like what he did to ours?
6. Preposition
Also one of the eight parts of speech in English is the preposition. It shows the position of an object whether it is situated below, on top, beside, etc. of a certain object.
Examples: on, at, in, after, before
- The dog was on top of the table when she arrived at home.
- The house of the dentist is located before the supermarket.
7. Conjunction
Another one is the conjunction. Its job is to combine two(2) words or ideas to form a single sentence that puts a complete thought out there.
Examples: and, but, since, or, yet, but, while, although, nor
- Jiggy is going to the concert but he will be taking the train to get there.
- Ino went to the laundry shop while Cesar was preparing the table to get things done early.
8. Interjection
Have you heard about the interjections? They are words that show surprise. They usually end on an exclamation point.
Examples: Wow! – Ouch! – Eww! – Alas! – – OMG!
- Ouch! My back hurts again.
- Alas! She got the driving lesson right!