PRONOUN: Definition of Pronoun & Its Examples | Parts Of Speech

PART OF SPEECH: Definition of Pronoun & Some Examples

PRONOUN – Here is the definition of pronoun which is one of the parts of speech in English and its examples.

Aside from noun, another parts of speech in English is the pronoun. Undeniably, it is also one of those that are widely used in sentences as it plays a vital role.

This part of speech is used to replace the part of noun in a sentence to avoid repetition. Some modern linguists actually call this part of speech as a type of noun.



  • He / His / Him – Used to replace a noun referring to a male person
  • She / Her – Used to replace a noun referring to a female person
  • It – Used to replace an object
  • We / Our – Used to replace the nouns referring to a group of people including the person making the statement
  • Them / Their – Used to replace the nouns referring to a group of people excluding the person making the statement


He / His / Him

Marky went to the hospital.
He went to the hospital.

Alfonso‘s phone got lost.
His phone got lost.

The blender belongs to Francis.
The blender belongs to him.

She / Her

Josephine came to the meeting late
She came to the meeting late.

Nadia‘s food was taken by the cat.
Her food was taken by the cat.


The electric fan suddenly turned on.
It suddenly turned on.

The shirt was bought at the mall.
It was bought at the mall.

We / Our

I, Cindy, and Caramel went out to watch the latest movie about Jim Brandon.
We went out to watch the latest movie about Jim Brandon.

My family‘s dog went out from the gate.
Our dog went out from the gate.

Them / Their

The project with the highest grade was made by Carolyn, Miguel, and Trina.
The project with the highest grade was made by them.

Josie and Andre‘s chocolate cake was delicious.
Their chocolate cake was delicious.

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