Non-Dancer Couple’s Adorable Dance Goes Viral
The non-dancer couple entertained people online with their reactions to their successful dancing attempt.
Dancing is something that can look easy to do from the outside, but for non-dancers, it can be a real challenge. Trying to follow moves, remember steps, and get into the rhythm can feel overwhelming, but the process can also bring some funny moments and memorable experiences.
For starters, one of the biggest struggles is simply remembering the steps. While professional dancers make it seem effortless, beginners might find themselves tripping over their own feet or forgetting the moves mid-routine.

Recently, JemandJecllorens, a TikTok user, shared a video showing their super cute attempt to dance to Sia’s song “Snowman.” Even though they’re not dancers, their sweet moments and excited reactions have made them a hit on social media.
The video shows a couple from Vancouver, Canada, practicing their moves at 2:00 a.m. Jec shared that they were getting ready for bed when he came across the dance steps on Facebook reels. On a whim, he convinced his partner to give it a shot.
The pair quickly learned the dance moves for Sia’s song “Snowman” in just five minutes, even though they were already sleepy. To their surprise, they nailed it on the first try.
@jemandjecllorens us at 2am 😂 wait for it #couple #relationship ♬ original sound – Jem N Jec Llorens
“I remember we tried to memorize the steps in about five minutes because we were already sleepy. Then, with just one take, we nailed it, which made us so happy,” Jec said.
The netizens couldn’t get enough of their chemistry and effort. Many internet users praised them for their teamwork and for just having fun. Their attempt turned into a feel-good moment that spread positivity all over social media.
The video has even inspired others to step out of their comfort zones and try new things.
The video has a caption:
“When non-dancer couple tries to dance”
The social media users expressed their reactions to the post: