Hercules Constellation | Constellations In The Northern Hemisphere
HERCULES CONSTELLATION – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about the constellation of the Greek hero Hercules.

It is a constellation in the northern sky. The constellation is named after the Greek mythological hero Heracles. The hero was often associated with the Sumerian hero Gilgamesh.
The constellation is usually associated with the 12 labor of Heracles, which involved slaying the dragon Ladon, represented by the Draco consellation.
It houses the the Great Globular Cluster, the globular cluster Messier 92, the planetary nebulae Abell 39 and NGC 6210, the Hercules Cluster of galaxies, and the galaxy cluster Abell 2199.
It is the 5th largest constellation which occupies an area of 1225 square degrees. It lies in NQ3, the third quadrant of the northern hemisphere.
It belongs to the Hercules family, along with Aquila, Ara, Centaurus, Corona Australis, Corvus, Crater, Crux, Cygnus, Hydra, Lupus, Lyra, Ophiuchus, Sagitta, Scutum, Sextans, Serpens, Triangulum Australe and Vulpecula.
Among the stars include:
- 14 Herculis
- 89 Herculis
- 109 Herculis
- Atia
- Cujam
- Franz
- Gamma Herculis
- Gliese 623
- Gliese 649
- Gliese 651
- Gliese 661
- GSC 02620-00648 A
- GSC 03089-00929
- HD 147506
- HD 155358
- Hunor
- Iota Herculis
- Irena
- Kajam
- Kornephoros
- Maasym
- Marfak Al Jathih Al Aisr
- Marsic
- Nu Herculis
- Ogma
- Pi Herculis
- Pipoltr
- Rasalgethi
- Rukbalgethi Genubi
- Rukbalgethi Shemali
- Sarin
- Sophian
- The Keystone Asterism
- Xi Herculis
- Zeta Herculis
READ ALSO: Draco Constellation | Constellations In The Northern Hemisphere