What Is Critical? Definition And Usage Of This Term

What Is Critical? Definition And Usage Of This Term

WHAT IS CRITICAL – In this topic, we will first know the definition of this term and how is this term used in sentences.


The Oxford Dictionary described this term as the following:

  • expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments
  • expressing or involving an analysis of the merits and faults of a work of literature, music, or art
    • (of a published literary or musical text) incorporating a detailed and scholarly analysis and commentary
    • involving the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement
  • (of a situation or problem) having the potential to become disastrous; at a point of crisis
    • (of a person) extremely ill and at risk of death
    • having a decisive or crucial importance in the success, failure, or existence of something

On the other hand, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines this term as the following:

  • inclined to criticize severely and unfavorably
    • consisting of or involving criticism
    • of or relating to the judgment of critics
    • exercising or involving careful judgment or judicious evaluation
    • including variant readings and scholarly emendations
  • of, relating to, or being a turning point or specially important juncture
    • relating to or being the stage of a disease at which an abrupt change for better or worse may be expected
    • being or relating to an illness or condition involving danger of death
    • relating to or being a state in which or a measurement or point at which some quality, property, or phenomenon suffers a definite change
  • of sufficient size to sustain a chain reaction —used of a mass of fissionable material
    • sustaining a nuclear chain reaction

Synonyms and Antonyms

Here are the following synonyms and antonyms of this term:

  • Synonyms
    • censorious
    • condemnatory
    • condemning
    • castigatory
    • reproving
    • evaluative
    • analytic
    • analytical
    • interpretative
    • expository
  • Antonyms
    • complimentary
    • safe
    • unimportant


The term is derived from the late Latin criticus.


Here are some of the following examples:

  • The evidence of date derived from changes in the language is more difficult to formulate, and the inquiry calls for the most diligent use of scientific method and critical judgment.
  • The caller was the husband of Howie’s mother, his step-father, informing him that his mother had suffered a serious heart attack and was in critical condition.
  • It needs no critical exertion to reduce utterly to dust any deductions drawn from history.
  • Every man is tasked to make his life, even in its details, worthy of the contemplation of his most elevated and critical hour.

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