Store Owner Sacrifices Packs of Beer to Put Out Fire & Save His Shop

Store Owner Uses Canned Beers to Save His Shop From Fire

CALIFORNIA, USA – A male store owner sacrificed his packs of beer to put out the fire and save his shop from total devastation.

A store owner named Chad Little witnessed how a fire started to incinerate and burn his shop and house of at the LNU Lightning Complex in Vacaville. His family immediately packed up and leave while he decided to stay and fight the flame.

Chad had lost his home five years ago due to fire so he doesn’t want to experience the same tragedy again. He tried to rebuild and restore his damaged house, which is set to complete this year.

Store Owner

Mr. Little tried to use the water hose in his property but failed to do so since the electricity was turned off so water was unavailable during that time. He even attempted to rake the dried grass to slow down the fire.

Unfortunately, the flame start to incinerate his cars and his shop start to burn down.

He saw the packs of canned beers and used it to douse the flames burning his shop because it was the closest thing to the water he could find.

Store Owner

“My buddies all tease me about drinking water-beer, I say, ‘hey, it saved my shop,’” Little said.

What can you say about this incident? Just feel free to leave your comments and reactions to this article.

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