What Is Foreshadowing – Definition And Examples

Answers To The Question “What Is Foreshadowing”

WHAT IS FORESHADOWING – In every piece of literature, story, movie, or narrative, there would always be some sort of foreshadowing.

This type of literary device is used to give subtle hints to the readers or viewers about things to come. Moreover, this type of literary device can be used in different forms.

What Is Foreshadowing - Definition And Examples

It could be a dialogue between characters, a scene that doesn’t quite fit, an exposition that was just discovered, and many more. Furthermore, the purpose of this device is to create suspense in the story to get the readers hooked.

Here are some short examples:

  1. Their final moonlight has shined, it casts a spell upon their house, gently whispering the songs of their dead. (foreshadows death)
  2. The evening was still – silent. Suddenly, a cold breeze began to make it a windy night (foreshadows a storm).
  3. In the stormy evening, a presence of dread was brought to the townspeople. (foreshadows danger).

Generally, foreshadowing is used to build anticipation. These are deliberately used to employ a sense of suspense. In mystery novels, these are often used by giving away false clues that could present a plot twist at the end.

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