Magpasikat 2019: Team Vhong Navarro & Mariel Padilla Performance

Magpasikat 2019 performance of TeamΒ Vhong Navarro and Mariel Padilla.

MAGPASIKAT 2019 – Here is the trending performance of Showtime hostsΒ Team Vhong Navarro and Mariel Padilla in Magpasikat 2019.

TheΒ Magpasikat of Its ShowtimeΒ is held every year where the mainstay hosts serve as leaders divided in groups and they get to have the chance to showcase their talent and creativity through a number meant to entertainment the people. And for this day, Friday, Team Vhong Navarro and Mariel Padilla left us all in awe.

It was very modern that tackles the future and yet never forgetting the past where it all came from. Vhong had many guests including the Power Duo, Riva Quenery, and among other. Also a part of their group are the members of the hashtags.

Here how netizens have reacted as their performance as of this posting is trending online:

Team Vhong and Mariel is the team to beat in this year’s Magpasikat 2019. Love love love the production number and special effects.

Congrats Team Vhong, Mariel, and Hashtags! Ang ganda! Creative and meaningful!

Fantastic, creative and moving performance by Team Vhong. What an amazing vision come to life

Vhong’s Magpasikat performances through the years are usually dance-centric, futuristic, and emotionally tugging at heartstrings.

To recall, here are the winners of the previous anniversaries:

  • 2010 Magpasikat Winner β€“ Team Teddy Corpuz of Rocksteddy and Jugs Jugueta of Itchyworms
  • 2011 Magpasikat Winner β€“ Team Anne Curtis
  • 2012 Magpasikat Winner β€“ Teams Billy Crawford and Vhong Navarro; Anne Curtis and Karylle; and Jugs Jugueta and Teddy Corpuz
  • 2013 Magpasikat Winner β€“ Team Karylle, Jugs Jugueta and Teddy Corpuz
  • 2014 Magpasikat Winner β€“ Team Teddy Corpuz, Billy Crawford, and Jugs Jugueta
  • 2015 Magpasikat Winner β€“ Team Vice Ganda, Jugs Jugueta and Teddy Corpuz
  • 2016 Magpasikat Winner β€“ Team Anne Curtis, Amy Perez and Joey Marquez
  • 2017 Magpasikat Winner β€“ Team Vhong Navarro
  • 2018 Magpasikat Winner β€“ Team Karylle

And here’s the line-up for this year’s Magpasikat:

  • October 22 – Anne and Amy
  • October 23 – Karylle and Ryan
  • October 24 – Jhong, Jugs, and Teddy
  • October 25 – Vhong and Mariel
  • October 26 – Vice Ganda


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