Here’s a list of Harry Potter spells.
HARRY POTTER SPELLS – Here is a list of magic spells from the hit book series Harry Potter which would be really useful if to be used in real life.
Among the most-loved book series and unforgettable for that matter is the story and adventures of Harry Potter with the titular role played by Daniel Radcliffe, the child who survived a Killing Curse and killed the most powerful wizard Lord Voldemort. This series is written by J.K. Rowling. And the Potterheads, surely have wished for some of the spells from the book to be applicable in real life for convenience.

And now, here is the list of spells and charms that would be really useful in real life:
- Aberto (Ah-bare-toh): to open door
- Accio (AK-ee-oh or AK-see-oh in film): summoning charm
- Aguamenti (AH-gwah-MEN-tee): to make clean and drinkable water
- Alohomora (ah-LOH-ho-MOR-ah): used to unlock doors and other objects
- Anapneo (ah-NAP-nee-oh): healing spell
- Aparecium (AH-par-EE-see-um): to reveal secret messages written in invisible ink, or any other hidden markings.
- Arania Exumai (ah-RAHN-ee-a EKS-su-may): used to repel and drive spiders away
- Arresto Momentum (ah-REST-oh mo-MEN-tum): to slow down a moving target
- Avada Kedavra: the Killing curse
- Crucio: causing extreme pain
- Evanesco: to vanish objects
- Expecto Patronum: casting caster’s physical manifestation of most positive feelings
- Expelliarmus: to disarm
- Incendio: creates fire
- Lumos: to produce light
- Obliviate: to hide or vanish memories
- Petrificus Totalus: curse that immobilizes the target’s entire body temporarily
- Protego: shield charm and rebounds attacks to target from caster
- Reducto: breaks objects as per Hypable.
- Reparo: used to repair broken objects
- Rictusempra: Tickling Charm
- Scourgify: used to clean objects
- Silencio: to silence something
- Wingardium Leviosa: to levitate an object
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