2 Men Painting Inside Water Tank In Batangas Dies Of Suffocation

2 Men Suffocate To Deat Inside Water Tank In Batangas

2 MEN – In Batangas, 2 men who painted the inner part of the water tank suffocated to death.

Inhaling paints may irritate our eyes, nose, and throat but if we expose ourselves in these chemicals, it could cause us nausea, dizziness, and headaches.

The irritation in our body should go away once we get to breathe in the fresh air. It’s still advisable to use masks when doing some painting.

Photo Source: Shutterstock

The solvent-based paints are more dangerous than latex. Inhaling the smell of the pain in a closed room could suffocate, poison, or cause brain damage to a person.

Recently, two men were found dead inside a water tank in San Juan Batangas on Saturday afternoon, July 20.

Photo Source: Wikipedia

Based on a report from GMA News, the chief of Police in Batangas, Police Lieutenant Colonel Rossel Encarnacion, said Joel Ramos and Jose Almarez were painting inside the tank when the incident happened.

The cop said the 2 painters suffocated inside the huge tank sine there’s no fresh air that comes inside.

Photo Source: Coconuts

According to the authorities, the 2 painters’ sons went to the tank to check for their fathers but they found them lifeless instead.

The water tank that Joel Ramos and Jose Almarez were painting is a property of Barangay Barualte.

Photo Source: GMA Network

Based on the report, Police speculated the poor painters suffocated to death inside the trunk and inhaled too many fumes from the paint. The scene shows no evidence to suggest that there is a foul play.

The family of the victims surely lamented the death of these poor painters. We can all hope that incidents like this should be prevented.

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