China Reproves North Korea’s Launch Of Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

North Korea’s Launch Of Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Condemned By China

China has rebuked the communist country North Korea for launching their intercontinental ballistic missile, which violated UN resolutions.

On Saturday (July 29, 2017), Geng Shuang, spokesman of China’s foreign ministry said that it opposes the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and military exercise launched by North Korea on Friday (July 28, 2017).

The spokesman said that the communist country has violated the UN Security Council Resolutions. He also stressed out that the action of North contradicts the general aspirations of the international community.

Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

North Korea was also urged by Beijing to stop making actions that can worsen the situation and just abide by the resolutions of UN to prevent escalating the tension on the Korean Peninsula.

“At the same time, (China) hopes that all parties concerned will exercise caution and avoid aggravating tensions and act together to preserve peace and stability on the peninsula,” said by Shuang quoted by ABS-CBN.

North Korea’s launch of ICBM has been also condemned by countries such as South Korea, Japan, and the United States on bringing danger to the US mainland.

Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

45th US President Donald Trump has also promised to make immediate actions to protect the American homeland and its allied nations. US army also said that Washington and Seoul conducted live-fire exercise using missiles.

The main economic and diplomatic of Pyongyang and Beijing opposes any military intervention. It also calls for a resolution through catalog.

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