Mildred Baena, a former maid and said to be mistress of Ex-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger open’s up her side regarding her son Joseph and her feelings about Maria Shriver’s reaction after finding out the truth.
It was May of this year when the issue started to spread that Arnold has a child to one of his former maid name Mildred Baena in which the actor has admitted to the public. Mildred on the other hand kept silence regarding the issue to protect her son Joseph.
Finally, Mildred broke up her silence and granted an interview to a celebrity magazine, “Hello”. In her interview, Mildred gave every details on how Maria Shriver, Arnolds ex-wife found out about his son Joseph.
According to her it was late summer when she took Joseph over the house and everybody was surprised when they saw her son very much look alike with Arnold.
That was then the time that Maria asked Mildred whether there is something she needs to say, however Mildred said no. Wanting to know the truth, Maria asked directly Mildred if Joseph is Arnold’s son, she then bows down her knees and cries while admitting the truth and Maria raised her while crying.
During that time, Mildred is already months away from retiring, so she said to Maria that she will pack up her things and leave as soon as possible but Maria stopped her and asked to stay until the end of holidays.
Upon leaving the mansion of the Schwarzenegger after the spring, Mildred said that she did not informed Arnold that Joseph was his son.
She also added that she feels sorry for what she has done to the family and said that Arnold was such a nice man and he is suffering too much regarding the issue knowing that she loves Maria very much.
Mildred is still hoping that maybe someday, Maria and Arnold could work things up.