Panday Sining Declared ‘Persona Non Grata’ By Manila City Council

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Manila Government Declared Panday Sining as ‘Persona Non Grata’ PANDAY SINING – The youth activist ‘Panday Sining‘ is now unwelcome in the city of Manila after local officials declared the group persona non grata. The mayor of the city of Manila, Isko Moreno, said he lacks sleep because of his nightly inspections and planning for … Read more

Moreno Gives Statement Regarding Arrest Of 4 Panday Sining Members

Isko moreno & Panday Sining

Isko Moreno Makes Statement Regarding Arrest Of 4 Panday Sining Members MORENO – Mayor Isko Moreno finally gave a statement regarding the arrest of 4 Panday Sining members who vandalized the streets of Manila. On Saturday, four members of the cultural youth group Panday Sining were arrested by cops for vandalism and allegedly “interfering in … Read more

Manila: Four Panday Sining Members Arrested For Vandalism

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Four Panday Sining Members Arrested For Vandalism In Manila MANILA – Four members of the cultural youth group Panday Sining were arrested Manila police after they were caught vandalizing the post near LRT Recto Station. Last month, Panday Sining vandalized the newly-painted Lagunislad underpass near the city hall with anti-government graffiti. They marked the wall … Read more

Isko Moreno Rejects Panday Sining’s Apology Over Underpass Anti-Gov’t Graffiti

Isko Moreno anti-gov't graffiti

Isko Moreno Rejects Activists’ Apology Over Underpass Vandalism ISKO MORENO – Manila Mayor Francisco “Isko Moreno” Moreno rejected the apology of Panday Sining which defaced the Lagusnilad underpass. A week ago, the Lagusnilad underpass near the Manila city hall was vandalized by the group Panday Sining. They said it was freedom of expression and let … Read more

VIDEO: Isko Moreno Reaction To Activist Who Vandalize Manila Underpass

Isko Moreno Panday Sining

Here’s Reaction of Isko Moreno To Activist Who Vandalize Newly-Painted Manila Underpass ISKO MORENO – Here is the reaction of Mayor Isko Moreno to the activist who vandalized Lagusnilad underpass. Manila Mayor Francisco “Isko Moreno” Domagoso” is more than just a crowd favorite. He is also a dedicated leader who aims to bring back the … Read more

Panday Sining Sorry, But Justifies Street Graffiti At Lagusnilad Underpass

Panday Sining graffiti

Panday Sining Apologizes But Justifies Vandalism At Lagusnilad Underpass PANDAY SINING – Activist group Panday Sining apologizes but at the same time justifies the vandalism at Lagunislad underpass. The mayor of the city of Manila, Francisco “Isko Moreno” Domagoso, conducted a clearing operation at Lagusnilad underpass in July. It’s among his mission to bring back the beauty … Read more