Mayor Junjun Binay’s Income Don’t Match Bank Deals

Following the freeze order issued by the Court of Appeals (CA), Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) has flagged Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay’s five bank accounts. Binay took over as Makati Mayor in 2010 while his father was elected as Vice President. Both, with other Makati officials and alleged dummies are facing graft charges before the Ombudsman … Read more

Makati City Mayor Binay Mandate the Installation of Seismographs in High-Rise Buildings

Jejomar Erwin Binay Jr

To ensure safety of people living and working in high-rise buildings in Makati, City government ordered the owners to install seismographs in their buildings; this is to monitor the ground movement during the earthquake and for faster detection of possible earthquakes in the future. The device is also called as accelerometers, it said to be capable of detecting and monitoring the response of a … Read more