Coleen Garcia Shares Betrayal That She Experienced

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Andrea Brillantes Shares Post About “Karma”

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annabelle rama

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Couple in Cebu Who Rebuked Check-up Points Later Involved in an Accident

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10 Proofs Of Instant Karma That Actually Happened


Karma in Everyday Lives

Do you believe in karma? Do you believe that when you do something, good or bad, will go back to you equally or even worse?


There may be times that people have seen different situations wherein there’s something that gives back what somebody did to the other one.

According to Buddhism, it is called karma.

In an article by The Tree Of Awakening, the word Karma relates to “fate and action.” That means, one is responsible for his own actions.

It added that karma is a law of cause and effect saying, “You deserve everything that happens to you, good or bad.” Karma also denotes at the happiness of misery of a person is created by him.

It also says that one’s actions create his or her future. That’s why, one would want to do good to expect good things, too.

“Life is a boomerang. What you give, you get.” This is what karma talks about.

How to get Good Karma

Who would want any bad in their life? Well, anyone would always want the best for themselves. It’s human nature.

Now, here are ways to hopefully get good karma in everyday life listed by Inc.


  1. Offer a compliment.

Telling somebody that his or her job is done well would spread positivity that will surely come back to you as well.


  1. Find someone a job.

In this economically unstable world, offering someone a job will surely help that person survive life. You can use your connections for a recommendation. Then, you won’t be forgotten by that person.


  1. Thank people.

Thanking people is an indication of appreciating someone. Expect that people will do this to you as well.


  1. Listen.

Actively listening to somebody means that you are interested in them and you’re giving importance to them. Expect that people will also listen to you when you speak.


  1. Forgive.

Forgetting and letting go of the past by forgiving the person of people who caused you wrong will peace of mind and thus, good karma.

This video on YouTube shows how karma works.

What do you think of karma?