Leonardo DiCaprio Reacts After Brazil President Blame Him For Amazon Fires

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Leonardo DiCaprio Responds to Brazil President’s False Accusation About Amazon Fires LEONARDO DICAPRIO – Hollywood actor and environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio released a statement after the Brazilian President Jail Bolsonaro accused him of setting the Amazon on fire A few months ago, the rainforest of Amazon was on fire. Millions of people from different countries around … Read more

Amazon: Brazil President Accuses Leonardo DiCaprio Of Paying To Burn Rainforest

Amazon Fires Bolsonaro and DiCaprio

Brazil’s President Accuses Leonardo DiCaprio Of Paying To Burn Amazon Rainforest AMAZON FIRES- Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro claimed that Leonardo DiCaprio paid to burn the Amazon rainforest. Millions of people from different countries around the world are worried and angry about the massive fire in Amazon. It’s the only rainforest that bulwark against the climate … Read more

Leonardo DiCaprio Donates $5 Million To Save Burning Amazon Rainforest

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Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Pledges $5 Million For Amazon Rainforest LEONARDO DICAPRIO – Hollywood actor, philanthropist, and environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio donated $5 million to save the burning Amazon rainforest. The rainforest in Amazon has been burning for weeks now. The President in Brazil Jail Bolsonaro claimed that the non-governmental organizations are the one who set the … Read more

Amazon: Brazil’s President Mulls Deploying Army To Combat Raging Fire

Amazon Fire Brazil President

Brazil’s President Mulls Deploying Army To Combat Raging Fire in Amazon AMAZON – Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said he’s considering sending an army to combat the raging fires in Amazon rainforest. The Amazon rainforest is still on fire. Lots of people are worried and angry about it since it’s the only among the most important … Read more

Amazon Fires: Brazil President Suggest NGOs To Blame, Here’s Why

Amazon Fires Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro

Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro Blames NGOs for Amazon Fires AMAZON – Here is the reason why the Brazilian President blamed the non-governmental organization (NGO) for the Amazon fire. The rainforest of Amazon is one of the world’s most important barricade against climate change. The jungle is a tropical moist forest that is perfect for animals … Read more

Brazil Dam Collapse: Hundreds Missing, Multiple Deaths Feared

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Brazil Dam Collapse: 200 Missing, Multiple Deaths Feared BRAZIL DAM COLLAPSE – A dam collapsed in Southeast Brazil left 200 people missing and several deaths were feared. A dam is a barrier that restricts the water flow or the streams. Aside from suppressing the flood on the area, a dam is also the source for … Read more