COVID-19 Global Health Emergency Is Over According To WHO


WHO declares COVID-19 global health emergency is now over. COVID-19 – World Health Organization announces that the emergency phase of the pandemic COVID-19 is now over. COVID pandemic killed at least 20 million and after many years, the emergency phase of this is finally over. World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations Emergency Committee had a … Read more

South Korea Spread of Covid-19 has Slowed; Resurgence Projected to Extend

South Korea

COVID-19 Spread in South Korea Drops but Resurgence Expected to Resume South Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency study released a statement on Monday that the country added 67,078 new COVID-19 infections. According to government data released Monday, the latest rise in COVID-19 infections in South Korea decreased on Sunday. However, the resurgence is projected … Read more

Duterte Speaks on Face Mask Protocol in PH

Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte

Will Pres. Duterte Allow the Lifting of the Face Mask Protocol? DUTERTE – Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte spoke on the protocol in the Philippines that requires the wearing of a face mask. It is more than two (2) years now since the world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has shaken several … Read more

World Health Warns COVID-19 Pandemic “Far From Over”

World Health Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

World Health Speaks on COVID-19 Pandemic Now – 2 Years after it was Declared WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION – WHO warned the people that the COVID-19 pandemic is “far from over” and it is only over if it is over everywhere. The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest global challenge that several countries are facing for around … Read more