Kind-Hearted Policemen Feed Hungry Street Kid Begging for Food

Kind-Hearted Policemen

Heartwarming Photos of Kind-Hearted Policemen Feed Hungry Street Kid Begging for Food Circulates Online The heartwarming photos of some kind-hearted policemen who feed a hungry street kid begging for food are now circulating online. The police authorities are government employees hired by the administration to serve and protect the public. The cops are tasked to … Read more

FOOD COMA: Causes and Ways to Prevent This Condition

food coma causes and prevention

Here are the causes and ways to prevent food coma Food Coma is also known as postprandial somnolence and is described as the fatigued and drowsy feeling after eating a substantial meal. Here are the causes of this condition and ways to prevent this. CAUSES The food you ate: Raphael Kellman, M.D., a physician of … Read more

Filipino Style Beef Steak: Bistek Quick & Easy Recipe

filipino style beef steak bistek

Here’s the recipe of Filipino style beef steak, also known as Bistek Try this quick and easy recipe of Filipino style beef steak which is also known as Bistek and share it with your family and friends. According to the site of Kawaling Pinoy, Bistek is made of “beef slices braised in a mixture of … Read more