Coronavirus Second Wave Is Possible & It Would Be Due To This Reason

Coronavirus Second Wave

In Philippines, Coronavirus second wave could be caused by this reason. CORONAVIRUS SECOND WAVE – Carlito Galvez, Jr. revealed possible reason behind if ever a second wave of coronavirus disease will happen. Philippines, as of May 21, has the following coronvirus-related figures: 13,434 confirmed cases, 3,000 recoveries, and 846 deaths. And Carlito Galvez, Jr., chief implementer … Read more

Coronavirus Second Wave: 6 Countries Declare Lockdown Again?

Coronavirus Second Wave

6 countries fear coronavirus second wave, thus, sees reimposing of lockdown. CORONAVIRUS SECOND WAVE – These six (6) countries’ coronavirus infection spiked up again and will reimpose lockdown measures. After some time of lifting the lockdown, at least six countries will reimpose as the coronavirus infections have flared up. The renewed lockdowns have limitations in … Read more