Appeal Letter Sample For Financial Assistance

This is an appeal letter sample specifically an appeal for financial assistance.

APPEAL LETTER SAMPLE – Here’s a sample appeal letter along with the important tips and guidelines to express your self clearly and specifically.

A lot of things is needed with money. Food, house, daily needs, basic needs – almost everything in use is something we can all have with money. However, in certain circumstances such as going to college and lacking the finances, but you don’t have enough, you can definitely appeal for an assistance.  A sample letter of this is below!

In situations like unemployment is a change in your financial situation while others include divorce, serious medical conditions, pregnancy, and death.

Here are some tips:

  • Start by introducing yourself and where you have come from.
  • Be straightforward and explain your valid reason clearly as to why you need financial assistance.
  • Provide concise details regarding your specific financial situation.
  • Address the specific person in your letter and always say your “Thank you”.

Hereā€™s a format to use and some guide in writing: Business Sample Letter Format, Tips, and Guide

Check out the sample below:

Dear Mr. or Miss (insert the last name):

I am (insert your name), an incoming freshman of (insert school or university). I am thankful for I have been admitted to this school and I am looking forward to this year’s opening of classes. However, my family has recently suffered a setback in our financial situation.

I have already received the financial package sent to me but my father lost his job after I had it. He’s been working in (insert company name) for over 20 years but due to some circumstances, the company has to let him go. He is the main income provider of our family. My mother is a plain housewife and currently jobless. I still have outstanding tuition to pay, books, and other expenses for school. I also have three other younger siblings who are also attending school and we all struggle to make ends meet because of what has unfortunately happened.

I really wish to go to college this year and with this, I formally request to have a review of my data on file and be considered for any additional funding that is available. The (insert school or university) has always been my dream institution and it is a perfect fit for me academically and socially.

Thank you so much for your time to read my letter and for considering my request. If you have further questions and any clarifications, please don’t hesitate to contact me at (insert contact details).


(Insert name)


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