National Security Pushes 1-Year Martial Law Extension in Mindanao

1-Year Martial Law Extension in Mindanao Pushed by the National Security

The National Security is pushing for another one-year martial law extension in Mindanao because of the rebellion in the region.

On Tuesday (July 23, 2019), Hermogenes Esperon, Jr., the adviser of National Security recommends the extension of martial law in Mindanao for another year.

Esperon is pushing for a one-year extension because of the rebellion happening in the region of Mindanao.

National Security

“I will.  I’ll go for one year,” Esperon said.

It is the third time that President Rodrigo Duterte asked for a martial law extension.

Duterte claims that public safety needs the pursuance of martial law over the entire Mindanao until December 31, 2019.

National Security

In 2017, President Duterte declared the Martial Law in Mindanao due to the violent siege in Marawi City.

The president also requested an extension until December 31, 2017, which was approved by Congress.

National Security

Last year, Mr. Duterte also asked for another one-year extension and has been also approved by Congress until December 31, 2018.

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