Tips on Acne Scar Treatment Using Apple Cider Vinegar
ACNE SCAR TREATMENT – Here are some tips on how to remove the scars left by your acne using the apple cider vinegar.
Most people go through a stage of dealing with pimples and acne. This usually happens when one reaches the adolescent stage as part of the changes in the body.
Unfortunately, although it is a passing stage for many people, the pimples and acne may leave marks most especially in the face. Are you also one of those who are looking for remedies to the scars they left?
One of the solution to your problem is Apple Cider Vinegar. Undeniably, this acne scar treatment is known for its many uses like in whitening the teeth. It can help you get rid of the marks in your face.
Based on an article posted on Live Nobs, the Apple Cider Vinegar is actually a skin care solution specifically an acne scar treatment together with honey.
According to the article, you just have to mix the ACV with honey and then apply some on the area. Leave it for ten(10) minutes before rinsing it and, for best results, do it up to thrice a day.
The Apple Cider Vinegar is not only excellent in getting rid of acne scars but as well as in dealing with looming pimples. Here are the steps:
- Take a Q-Tip or cotton buds and then dip it into the Apple Cider Vinegar
- Soak the cotton buds in water to dilute it.
- Swab the cotton buds right on the looming pimple.
Based on the article, doing the aforementioned steps would help reduce the redness of the pimple and as well as prevent the formation of whiteheads.
We’re pleased to have helped you on your inquiry regarding the Apple Cider Vinegar as an acne scar treatment. Thank you for visiting us. Rest assured we’ll continue to post informative updates.
READ ALSO: Yellow Teeth Treatment – How To Whiten Your Teeth w/ Apple Cider Vinegar