Jeremy Renner will visit Metro Manila for the shooting of the upcoming fourth installment of the movie “Bourne Legacy.” The shooting locations in Metro Manila were revealed by the Metro Manila Development Authority.
MMDA Chairman Francis Tolentino stated that preparations were being made to accommodate a highly-publicized Hollywood franchise movie which was popularized by the original Jason Bourne character Matt Damon.
The locations of the shooting includes Ayala Avenue, Nagtahan, Jones Bridge, Intramuros, San Andres Market, Marikina City Market, Navotas Fish Port, Pasay Taft and Ramon Magsaysay Boulevard. Some locations were not revealed yet.
Bourne Legacy will feature Jeremy Renner as CIA operative Aaron Cross. The original character of Jason Bourne will not be feature in the upcoming movie.
Edward Norton and Rachel Weisz were some of the few popular Hollywood celebrities that will be feature in the movie. With the influx of Hollywood celebrities coming to the Philippines, the MMDA (–foul word(s) removed–)ured the producers that they can handle the situation.
There were some rumors that the shooting will be made this coming January 14, 2012 but the producers of the movie could not be reach for comments.
The “Bourne” series is one of the major blockbuster movie that was based upon the novel written by Robert Ludlum. The movie made Matt Damon as one of the most popular movie franchise in Hollywood history.
The “Bourne Legacy” will feature Jeremy Renner and directed by award-winning director Tony Gilroy. The movie will be released this year 2012.
The Director, Tony Gilroy was hired in 201o to continue writing the spy thriller. Bourne Legacy will not be based on the novel with the same title written by Eric Lustabader, the writer who continued the Bourne series after the death of Robert Ludlum.