NASA Plans To Launch Mission To Save Earth

Mission To Save Planet Earth, Plan To Launch By NASA

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is planning to launch a mission in order to save our beloved planet earth.

NASA is preparing for a very important mission to save earth from disastrous “Solar Flares” in the future. The space agency is planning to send a robot to the sun as preventive measures to a “huge solar event” that could possibly strike the world.

The Solar Plus Probe of NASA will travel along the space within 4 million miles of sun’s surface to solve the mysteries surrounding the sun’s corona, according to a report in New York. The voyage will dive into the hole in the heart of the star reaching its radiation and waves of heat.



Researchers and field experts believe that corona’s temperature is much cooler compared to sun’s atmosphere, but they still have to produce enough evidence. NASA officials were also looking into the possible mass ejections, solar winds, and solar flares, which could possibly hit earth in the future.

“In order to unlock the mysteries of the corona, but also to protect a society that is increasingly dependent on technology from the threats of space weather, we will send Solar Probe Plus to touch the sun,” said by NASA quoted by Inquirer.

The space agency also said that their main goal for the mission is to understand the heating of solar corona, trace the flow of energy, and found out the possible causes of solar wind acceleration.


The mission has 3 objectives: first, to trace the flow of energy, which can accelerate solar wind and solar corona. Second, determine the structure and dynamics of plasma and magnetic fields at the solar wind’s sources. Third, to find out what mechanism intensify and transport the potentially harmful energetic particles.


The space probe has a speed of 450, 000 miles per hour, which planned to fly by Venus. The space agency did not yet release the voyage’s time frame. The spacecraft will pass through earth 7 times in 7 years.

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