Here are the Roman Numerals & their Equivalent in Digits
ROMAN NUMERALS – Here is a guide for students on their equivalents as they are an important topic in Math.
One of the subjects that is part of the curriculum from kindergarten to college is Math. In fact, in college, there are really courses like the engineering courses that have multiple Math subjects and really focus on calculations.
In the Philippine Math curicculum, one of the topics that is discussed among the students in elementary is the Roman numerals? Did you just have it for your assignment tomorrow?
Roman numerals may appear odd but they are actually easy to understand once you know their values as well as how to read them. Below, you can read more about this Math topic.
The Roman Numeral System uses symbols in representing the numbers in the Hindu-Arabic numeral system. There are seven (7) roman numerals which are I, V, X, L, C, D, and M. To make things so much easier, it is important to check on their equivalents which are as follows:
- I β Represents 1
- V β Represents 5
- X β Represents 10
- L β Represents 50
- C β Represents 100
- D β Represents 500
- M β Represents 1,000
In reading the value of the Roman numerals, they are determined based on the arrangement of the symbols. Here is a guide:
Adding Values
When a Roman numeral symbol is placed after another symbol with an equal or bigger value, you need to add the two (2) values to determine its Hindu-Arabic numerals equivalent.
For example:
- VI = 6
- X1 = 11
- XV = 15
- LV = 55
- MD = 1500
Subtracting Values
If the Roman numeral is placed before another symbol with a value that is greater, the value of the lesser symbol is subtracted from the greater symbol. Here’s a guide:
For example:
- IX = 9
- DM = 500
- VX = 5
- CD = 400
- IL = 49
Aside from the Adding Values and the Substracting Values which are the popular ones, there are also Multiplying Values. This happens when there is a bar placed above Roman numeral. It means that the said numeral multiples.
Do you want more examples of Roman numerals and their equivalents? Here is a guide…
Number | Roman Numeral | Number | Roman Numeral | Number | Roman Numeral | Number | Roman Numeral | Number | Roman Numeral |
1 | I | 21 | XXI | 41 | XLI | 61 | LXI | 81 | LXXXI |
2 | II | 22 | XXII | 42 | XLII | 62 | LXII | 82 | LXXXII |
3 | III | 23 | XXIII | 43 | XLIII | 63 | LXIII | 83 | LXXXIII |
4 | IV | 24 | XXIV | 44 | XLIV | 64 | LXIV | 84 | LXXXIV |
5 | V | 25 | XXV | 45 | XLV | 65 | LXV | 85 | LXXXV |
6 | VI | 26 | XXVI | 46 | XLVI | 66 | LXVI | 86 | LXXXVI |
7 | VII | 27 | XXVII | 47 | XLVII | 67 | LXVII | 87 | LXXXVII |
8 | VIII | 28 | XXVIII | 48 | XLVIII | 68 | LXVIII | 88 | LXXXVIII |
9 | IX | 29 | XXIX | 49 | XLIX | 69 | LXIX | 89 | LXXXIX |
10 | X | 30 | XXX | 50 | L | 70 | LXX | 90 | XC |
11 | XI | 31 | XXXI | 51 | LI | 71 | LXXI | 91 | XCI |
12 | XII | 32 | XXXII | 52 | LII | 72 | LXXII | 92 | XCII |
13 | XIII | 33 | XXXIII | 53 | LIII | 73 | LXXIII | 93 | XCIII |
14 | XIV | 34 | XXXIV | 54 | LIV | 74 | LXXIV | 94 | XCIV |
15 | XV | 35 | XXXV | 55 | LV | 75 | LXXV | 95 | XCV |
16 | XVI | 36 | XXXVI | 56 | LVI | 76 | LXXVI | 96 | XCVI |
17 | XVII | 37 | XXXVII | 57 | LVII | 77 | LXXVII | 97 | XCVII |
18 | XVIII | 38 | XXXVIII | 58 | LVIII | 78 | LXXVIII | 98 | XCVIII |
19 | XIX | 39 | XXXIX | 59 | LIX | 79 | LXXIX | 99 | XCIX |
20 | XX | 40 | XL | 60 | LX | 80 | LXXX | 100 | C |