What Is Compound Predicate & Its Examples — A Guide in Learning English

WHAT IS COMPOUND PREDICATE – Below is a discussion of this topic in English as well as its examples to understand it fast.

One of the best ways to learning English is to understand the topics in a sequential manner. If you already learn about the “Predicate” as a word that describes what the subject is doing, it is now time to learn about the “Compound Predicate”.

Compound Subject & Compound Predicate – Meaning & Examples

Guide on the Meaning & Examples of Compound Subject & Compound Predicate

COMPOUND SUBJECT & COMPOUND PREDICATE – Here are their meaning and as well as examples in sentences.

The English subject is one that has a very wide scope. The complexity of its lessons may come a long way that is why they are carefully organized from easiest to the most complex.

Compound Subject & Compound Predicate

One of the basic lessons in English is the topic about the subject and the predicate. It is often discusses in the pre-school and elementary years.

The subject refers to the person, place, event, thing, or idea that is being talked about in the sentence. It can be a common noun like fireman or a proper noun like Mr. Dionisio.


  • The doctor went home early. (Subject = doctor)
  • Mr. Fernandez drove the car for him. (Subject = Mr. Fernandez)
  • The cat ate all the biscuits at the top of the table. (Subject = cat)

The predicate tells about the subject or the one being talked about in the sentence. It can be an action word or a verb indicating what the subject is doing.


  • The doctor went home early. (Predicate = went home)
  • Mr. Fernandez drove the car for him. (Predicate = drove)
  • The cat ate all the biscuits at the top of the table. (Predicate = ate)

With regards to the compound subject and compound predicate, it means that the subject or the predicate are not singular in number. The two subjects or predicates are often combined by the article “and”.

Compound Subject Examples:

  • Santiago and Ferdinand will not go to school tomorrow.
  • The pig and the lion were the characters of the story
  • Mr. Enriquez and Jestoni met at the canteen.
  • New Year’s Day and Christmas are his favorite holidays.
  • Burger and spaghetti were served for dinner.

Compound Predicate Examples:

  • The fireman took and opened the box.
  • The frame fell and cracked its glass.
  • Mrs. Pasifico cooked and served the food.
  • The ice cream was frozen and flavored with mango bits.
  • The crocodile was trapped and brought back to the zoo.

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