China Now Drives PH Away from the Disputed Scarborough Shoal
The persistent claim of China over the Scarborough Shoal now leads to the creation of barriers against the Philippines — despite the area being within the country’s 200-nautical mile EEZ.
Amid the several instances when the national leaders of China and Philippines have shaken hands in front of cameras, it is not a secret to the world that the two (2) countries are in a deep territorial rift. Both nations firmly claim ownership of territories in the West Philippine Sea.
A few years back, the territorial dispute led to the arbitral tribunal. In 2016, the arbitral tribunal released the decision that sided the Philippines on its claim of ownership over the disputed islands. However, such important decision was not recognized by the Chinese government.
China remained persistent in its claim over the disputed territories. It is despite the fact that the arbitral ruling overrode its nine-dash rule that backed its claim. Although the ruling placed PH in a higher ground in the eyes of the world, the country remains to be in pursuit of diplomatic resolution of the issue.
However, I believe China has a whole lot of plans over the West Philippine Sea — regardless of who will stand in the way. Amid the ruling, instead of slowing down, it even built artificial islands and boosted its security arm in the disputed territories.
Unfortunately, the gutz of China is crossing the line way too much. I believe the Chinese government also needs to see that PH is not giving up its territories. Recently, China placed barriers on the Scarborough Shoal after claiming that a PH vessel “intruded” the adjacent waters of Huangyan Dao without its permission.
Through its foreign ministry spokesman, Wang Wenbin, China also asserted that Huangyan Dao has always been its territory. According to the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), it found a 300-meter floating barrier at the area of Bajo de Masinloc, also known as Panatag Shoal.
Panatag Shoal or the Scarborough is within the 200-nautical mile EEZ of the Philippines. I believe China is already doing way too much in its assertive claims over the disputed territories. Moreover, to build barriers to prevent the Filipinos from entering these areas, that gutz can really make someone wonder why a “friend” can do such.
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