2 Members of “Dura-Dura” Gang Arrested in Pasay City

Police Authorities Arrest 2 Members of “Dura-Dura” Gang

Two alleged members of the notorious “Dura-Dura” gang, were arrested after victimizing commuters on passenger buses in Pasay City.

According to the report from Pasay City Police Station Substation 1 Commander PCpt. Criz Antonio Cataluña, the group’s modus operandi involved using “dura” (Spit), to distract and then rob their victims.

“Sabi niya wala na pong dura ngayon. Ang ginagamit na lang po nila is sprayer. ‘Yung laman is water na may konting scent so madi-distract ‘yung victim then ‘yung bakero na tinatawag ng mga suspects, dadagdag siya dun sa pagdi-distract sa victims at kapag nalingat ‘yung victim, sasalisihan nila ng pagkuha nila ng gamit,” Cataluña said.

Dura-Dura Gang

Two victims who had their cellphones stolen while riding a bus went to the police station to report the incident. A victim identified as alias Noel said that someone spat on him to divert his attention and stole his valuables.

Biglang may nag dura sakin. Pagkaligpit ko ng cellphone ko, nag alcohol, distraction na pala nila ‘yun para malaman kung saan side ng bag ko nilagay ko ‘yung cellphone ko. Tapos doon na nila nakuha, “Dura talaga siya kaya nandiri ako sa nangyari. Dito sa balikat, braso, at kamay,” Noel said.

The suspects were traced using the cellphone tracker of one of the victims. They were found near Taft Avenue on motorcycles acting as habal-habal, a motorcycle taxi service commonly used in the Philippines.

Previously, 4 members of “dura-dura” gang arrested after victimizing passengers

The suspects admitted to their crime, attributing it to desperation. While the cellphone of another victim was recovered, Noel’s belongings were not returned pushing him to pursue charges against the suspects.

The arrested members of dura-dura gang will face theft charges, while authorities are still searching for their colleagues.

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