Good Friday Prayer & Meditation
GOOD FRIDAY PRAYER – Here is a prayer for the Good Friday that is commemorated today, April 2, 2021.
Today, Christian across the globe observe the Good Friday. Also called as Holy Friday or Black Friday, it is a commemoration of the sufferings and death of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. It is one of the peak days of Lent and it marks the end of the said season which is the 40-day fasting of Christians.
During the Holy Week, most people stay at home and pray, reflect, and meditate on the sufferings, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Others go somewhere peaceful and quiet to reflect.
The Son of God endured being mocked, hurt, spit on, worn with a crown of thorns, and put on the cross to free the people from sins. The world was freed from the bondage of sins and given a chance to start again.

Good Friday Prayer
Oh Lord Jesus Christ, Who despite being the Son of God wore the crown of thorns to save His people, we are deeply sorry for all the pains you had to go through to free us from the bondage of sins. We are sorry for committing the same mistakes again and again, for sometimes forgetting and being weak on faith, for looking past all the grace that we really don’t deserve. With grateful hearts, accept our admiration for your unconditional love. Thank You for saving us. Oh Heavenly Mother, thank You for all Your love and protection. We are sorry for the pain You had as You watched Your Son hurt and on the cross. Heavenly Father, Your love is like no other. Forgive us from our sins and never let go of us. We need You, always. We are nothing without You.
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