Phoenix Constellation | Constellations In The Southern Hemisphere
PHOENIX CONSTELLATION – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about the southern constellation Phoenix, the Firebird.

It is the constellation in the southern sky and is named after the mythical bird that rises from its own ashes.
The bird is known as the sacred fire bird across many mythologies, among them include Greek, Persian, Arabic, Egyptian, Roman, Turkish, Indian and Chinese.
The bird is said to resemble an eagle with purple, red and gold feathers, and a scarlet and gold tail.
It was introduced by the Dutch astronomer and cartographer Petrus Plancius. Albeit a relatively small constellation, it is the largest among the 12 that was created and named.
Phoenix is east for those in Australia and South Africa during southern hemisphere summer but cannot be observed by anyone living north of the 40th parallel.
It houses the Phoenix Cluster of galaxies, the black hole candidate HLX-1, and Robert’s Quartet, a compact galaxy group.
It is the 37th largest constellation in the night sky and occupies an area of about 469 square degrees. It lies in SQ1, the first quadrant of the southern hemisphere.
Phoenix belongs to the Johann Bayer family, along with Apus, Chamaeleon, Dorado, Grus, Hydrus, Indus, Musca, Pavo, Tucana and Volans.
Among the stars include:
- Ankaa
- Beta Phoenicis
- Gamma Phoenicis
- Gliese 915
- HE0107-5240
- Kappa Phoenicis
- Nu Phoenicis
- SX Phoenicis
- Zeta Phoenicis
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