BREAKING NEWS: China Reacts To Travel Ban By Philippines Over Coronavirus

Philippines Imposes Travel Ban on China Over Coronavirus

CHINA – A Chinese ambassador reacted to the travel ban that Philippines imposed over the novel coronavirus.

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus in China became an international concern. There are more than 60,000 infected cases in the country and several other countries have recorded confirmed cases as well.

More than 1,000 people died of coronavirus and most of them are Chinese nationalities. The coronavirus patients in other countries as well are mostly Chinese.

China Reacts To Travel Ban By Philippines Over Coronavirus

Amid the fight against the spread of the novel coronavirus, several countries imposed a travel ban on passengers from mainland China. One of these countries that raised travel restrictions is the Philippines.

Recently, China reacted to the travel ban imposed by the Philippines. Based on a report on GMA News, Chinese Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Huang Xilian raised the call for any decision over the coronavirus issue to be based on science.

According to Huang, they wanted to see “scientific and calm response and scientific measures” to be implemented. Based on the report, the Chinese government is hoping for a reassessment of PH over the travel ban.

On the other side, the Chinese Ambassador expressed their government’s respect on the decision of the Philippines. Huang also expressed understanding on the move of the PH government to ensure the safety of the Filipino people.

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