Juan Ponce Enrile Gives Clearer Understanding About Martial Law

Filipino politician and lawyer Juan Ponce Enrile delivered a clearer understanding about the reason why Martial Law was declared.

JUAN PONCE ENRILE – The Filipino politician and lawyer Juan Ponce Enrile gives a clearer understanding as to the reason why Martial Law was imposed.

A video of Enrile was recently posted and shared by President Rodrigo Duterte Solid Supportersa page on Facebook, to which the politician is talking about the Martial Law.

As we all know, the lawyer and politician, going back to the administration of the late President Ferdinand Marcos, is a strong ally of the former president and at that time, he was the Defense Minister.

The Martial Law during that time, accordingly to a news from Rappler, was staged by the administration just in order to have a reason to establish the law.

According to the Official Gazette, Marcos have wrote this in his diary at 9:55pm of September 22, 1972“Sec. Juan Ponce Enrile was ambushed near Wack-Wack at about 8:000 pm tonight. It was a good thing he was riding in his security car as a protective measure. This makes the martial law proclamation a necessity.”

And at  12:35 pm of September 9, 1972, the Marcos wrote, “Sec. Ponce Enrile and I finished the material for any possible proclamation of martial law.”

And thus, Enrile, now that the brutal rule was implemented for the third time in the island of Mindanao, has something to say about the matter.

Based on the video, the politician was saying that implementation of the law was declared by the president because he is in the rightful position to do so being the Commander-in-Chief of the country.

He is responsible in maintaining the country in peace and secure the safety of its people.

He said that no one can stop the president even the Supreme Court for it was said under the law that if war or rebellion is happening in the country, it is the obligation of the president to stop it and declare the martial law.

Watch the video below to have a better understanding about the law:



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