Single Shot Of Tequila Every Day Surprising Health Benefits

Health Benefits Of Tequila In The Body

A single shot of tequila every day has surprising health benefits to the body because it can treat and prevent some diseases.

Tequila is a probiotic, this can actually help maintain the proper balance of healthy bacteria in our digestive tract, assisting with digestion and other health issues. It also encourages in insulin production, because it contains a chemical called “fructans” which are not digestible by the body and acts as fiber.

It also naturally stimulates the production of insulin and a good choice of drink for diabetic persons and people who frequent monitoring their blood pressures. Tequila also helps certain medications to reach the colon.


For individual’s who suffer from conditions such as colitis, IBS, Chron’s disease certain medications are a way of life. Tequila protects those medications when taken, helping them reach the colon before they are broken down by stomach acid.

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