UN To Raise $6.5 Million To Help Typhoon Odette-Survivors in PH

UN Fund Raising for Philippines

UN Set to Help Survivors of Typhoon Odette UN – The United Nations will raise $6.5 million to help the survivors of Typhoon Odette in the Philippines. The Philippines was greatly affected by Typhoon Odette. Many families lost their homes to the massive flood and strong winds brought by the typhoon. It is one of … Read more

Human Rights Defenders Bill Approved By House Panel


House Committee On Human Rights Approves Human Rights Defenders Bill HUMAN RIGHTS  – On Tuesday (December 4), the House Committee On Human Rights recently approved the Human Rights Defenders Bill. The approved bill is requires government agencies to act on reports regarding human right(HR) violations in within three days, amid other protective clauses for rights workers. … Read more

WMO: 75-80 Percent Chance of El Niño Expected Over Next 3 Months

El Niño

75-80 Percent Chance of El Niño Expected Over Next 3 Months, WMO Says The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said that there is a 75-80 percent of El Niño phenomenon for the next three months. WMO’s climate prediction branch head Maxx Dilley that an impending dry spell phenomenon was expected in the next few months that … Read more

Britain France Force UN On Airdrops

Britain France

Britain France Urge The UN Regarding Syria Airdrops Britain France put more pressure upon UN to establish humanitarian aid airdrops just before the Security Council meeting – discussing and planning for the action to reach out to Syrians.  More pressure is being put to UN after France and Britain urged them to start the airdrops … Read more

Manny Paquiao is Newest UN Carlos Romulo Awardee

Another respectful institution recognized Manny Pacquiao for his outstanding contributions to the Philippines. The 35-year-old global boxing icon was given a citation by a group of international and local leaders. Photo Credit Manny Pacquiao Facebook Account Known as one of the icons in Filipino boxing, Pacquiao received the General Carlos P. Romulo Award from the … Read more

Without Population Control, Poor won’t benefit economic growth

result of poverty

PHILIPPINES – Recent survey from United Nations said that the country had sustain the post crisis economic growth, however due to the large and growing population, it will be “without development” and “that increases poverty.” UN Director of UN Development Program in the Philippines Renaud Meyer  said that Philippine Economy in the past 10 years … Read more