Oil Companies Set to Impose Price Hike w/ Petroleum Products

Oil Companies

Oil Companies Set to Implement Price Adjustments Several oil companies in the Philippines are set to implement price hike with petroleum products for the first week of March. Starting Tuesday (March 2, 2021), oil firms in the country would impose price adjustments with the prices of gasoline, diesel and kerosene. It would be the fifth … Read more

Oil Companies Set to Impose Another Pump Price Hike This Week

Pump Price Hike

Oil Companies Set to Implement Another Pump Price Hike Starting on Tuesday (February 9) Several oil companies are set to implement another increase with the prices of petroleum products this week. The Filipino motorists would face another challenge amid the coronavirus pandemic due to the continuous increase of pump prices. It was the second price … Read more

Oil Firms Set To Impose Price Adjustments on Tuesday (December 8)

Oil Firms

Oil Firms Set To Impose Price Adjustments for the Fifth Week Several oil firms in the Philippines are set to implement petroleum price adjustments on Tuesday (December 8, 2020). Nowadays, petroleum products are considered as necessity and it keeps the industry moving, it is also the flood of transportation, which necessary to transport people, food, … Read more

Oil Companies To Implement Price Hike on Tuesday (November 24)

Oil Companies

Oil Companies Announces Price Hike This Week Several oil companies are set to implement an increase with the prices of petroleum products for the third straight week. Some oil firms announced that they would implement a price hike for the third straight week on prices of some petroleum products. The price adjustments would take effect on … Read more

Oil Companies Set To Implement Price Hike This Week

Oil Companies

Oil Companies Set To Implement Price Hike This Week OIL PRICE HIKE – Several oil companies are set to implement an increase in the prices of petroleum products this week. Oil price movement is usually the main reason why the prices of basic commodities and grocery products change. An increase in prices of petroleum products … Read more

Oil Companies Set Fuel Price Adjustments This Week

Oil Companies

Oil Companies Set Fuel Price Adjustments This Week FUEL PRICE ADJUSTMENTS – Several oil companies have set a fuel price adjustments this week amid the coronavirus pandemic. Nowadays, a lot of Filipino people are struggling with their daily necessities due to the lack of job opportunities amid the health crisis. Many of our countrymen are … Read more