North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un Described Duterte’s Enemy “No Love For Humanity”

Kim Jong-Un

North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un To Duterte’s Critics: “No Love For Humanity” North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un Described the enemy of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte who opposes the war against drugs as “no love for humanity.” North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-Un uses four words the enemies of Duterte is very powerful regarding taking the lives of drug … Read more

Grace Grande: Cong. Patricio Antonio’s Alleged Mistress Posted Bail

Cong. Patricio Antonio Misstress Bails

Miss Grace Grande claimed that she was the former mistress of Philippine Congressman Patricio Antonio posted a bail and was released on Friday after he turned herself into Federal authorities. The alleged Mistress who was in the process of filing for political asylum, after the Philippine government issued her extradition orders over theft charges. Grace … Read more

Extending Hands: China and U.S pledge strong ties

Hu Jinato and Barack Obama aim stronger ties

The US President Barack Obama and the Chinese President Hu Jintao shake hands to pledge for a stronger and powerful future relation. The Chinese President said that the U.S and China should seek common grounds. Barack Obama is optimistic about this relation saying that China and U.S have a gigantic stake in each other’s success. … Read more