Skype is finally on Facebook

facebook and skype together

Finally, Facebook and Skype joined together! This was the biggest news broke during the press conference held in California which was attended by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Skype’s Tony Bates. Competition makes the market place very exciting since producers and manufacturers will give their best to win in the heart of the costumers. And this … Read more

Hackers stolen personal data from Codemasters in UK

codies2 – would remain offline “for the foreseeable future.” Another hacking incident took off and this time hackers targeted the U.K. based Codemasters. It is considered to be one of British oldest but at the same time leading game developers. The hacking incident took place June 3 which made its users felt angry for there … Read more

Hackers nab card data from 200,000 Citi customers

Citigroup To Cut Thousands Of Jobs Amidst Posting Huge Loss

NEW YORK – Citigroup Inc. is now the latest addition to the trending number of hacking incidents eyeing those high-profile company’s in the world. According to reports from the (–foul word(s) removed–)ociated press, the New York bank was hacked on Thursday wherein an estimated 200,000 credit bank from Citibank was stolen. The said data includes … Read more

Google to abandon older browsers


Google to bid goodbye to all aging web browsers starting August 1.This means that those older versions such as Internet Explorer 6 and 7 and Firefox 3.5 to name a few will suffer loss of some functions from Google. Google is the world’s leading search engine who had also explored in other fields of services. … Read more

Google wanted to team with Facebook, now fierce rival


Facebook is no doubt today’s one of the top tech giants who is conquering the internet may it be on the number of its members or in the number of advertisers posting their products in this popular social networking sites making its founder’s headed by Mark Zuckerberg to be young very successful entrepreneurs, and this … Read more

Google Wallet, Offers to take the lead in shopping innovation


Technology and innovation is unstoppable, another proof is the launching of Google Wallet and Google offers. Google company’s aim for having this innovation is to take the lead for “tomorrow’s best shopping experience.” In article published in, Stephanie Tilenius,  Google’s VP for Commerce said that the company putting together all parts of retail experience. … Read more

Microsoft shows its next version of Windows Phone 7

Windows Phone 7

500 more new features are now available on the next version of Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 which will be out in the market fall this year. Microsoft, one of the world’s biggest Tech giant aims to create a Smartphone that is obviously smarter and easier to use. The 500 new features embedded in Windows Phone … Read more

Microsoft takes the lead for White Spaces

Credit from Technology review

Microsoft is definitely motivated to rule in the innovation for White Spaces. Microsoft, one of the worlds’ leading tech giants has been conducting studies and researches in order to create a system that will allow data communications weave through the aid of TV frequencies. It is expected that with the use of white spaces devices … Read more

Apple nears cloud music service with label deals


According to people close to Apple and to the labels, it is expected that apple will be launching ‘cloud’ music storage very soon. It is an online music storage and streaming services which will give its users the privilege to download hits through buying, as well as storing and streaming songs and albums also wherever … Read more