500 more new features are now available on the next version of Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 which will be out in the market fall this year.
Microsoft, one of the world’s biggest Tech giant aims to create a Smartphone that is obviously smarter and easier to use. The 500 new features embedded in Windows Phone are made possible through the presence of the new software embedded in the product having the ‘Mango’ as its code name.
Features included in this new software are easy integration of social-networking programs, version of Explorer 9, the presence of threads, groups, Linked inbox, App connection plus the capacity to run an application while another is working in the other phase such in the background.
(–foul word(s) removed–)ociated in the mango software found in Windows Phone 7 is the new program called Local Scout – an updated locator. This program will suggests variety of places and areas where best restaurants, shopping centers and recreations could be found.
Windows Phone is having a difficult time with regards to competition against Apple’ iOS and Android phones produced by Google. No doubt that Windows are finding ways to update their product in order to uplift and strategize their marketing strategy.
The creation of Mango software is a plus to Windows Phone 7 and it is an addition to their attempt of overcoming Apple and Google as their closest rival in this business.
To elaborate the mentioned features, Threads will provide text switching from chat and messenger. Groups on the other hand, deals more on compilation of contacts to see recent updates in group while Linked Inbox provides one linked box with multiple e-mail accounts. Last is App Connect, it is an integration of apps for Web query.