What Is A Compound Sentence & Its Examples

What Is A Compound Sentence

WHAT IS A COMPOUND SENTENCE – Here is the definition of a compound sentence and some examples under this type of sentence. When it comes to sentence types, there are a lot and it is best to first get to know the basic ones. One of these basic types is the “compound sentence”. It is … Read more

Compound Sentence – What Is A Compound Sentence, Some Examples

Compound Sentence

Here’s how you create a compound sentence and some examples as a guide. COMPOUND SENTENCE – Further understanding of what a compound sentence is and some compound sentences examples. A compound sentence is a sentence that connects two independent clauses that typically uses coordinating conjunctions such as and or but to connect the independent clauses. … Read more

SENTENCE STRUCTURE — 4 Types & their Meaning, Examples

Sentence Structure

Meaning & Examples of the 4 Types of Sentence Structure SENTENCE STRUCTURE – Here is a list of its four (4) types, their meaning, and as well as some examples. Undeniably, the English subject is one of the complicated subjects as it has a very wide coverage and there are a lot of grammar rules. … Read more

COMPOUND SENTENCE – Its Meaning & Examples | Sentence Structure

Compound Sentence Sentence Structure

Meaning & Examples of Sentence Structure ‘Compound Sentence’ COMPOUND SENTENCE – Apart from being a sentence structure, here are its meaning and examples. One of the core subjects since pre-school up to college is English. There are a lot of lessons including grammar and literature ones under this subject and their discussion is arranged well … Read more