China Grants $60 Million for the Philippine Davao River Bridge Project

China Grants $60 Million for the Development of Davao River Bridge China government has confirmed that they will grant 60 million US dollars for the development of the Philippine Davao River Bridge project. The Chinese Embassy in Manila earlier announced that they have signed an agreement with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), … Read more

Chinese Government Urge Citizens Not To Travel To Australia

China & Australia 1

Here’s Why Chinese Government Urge Citizens Not To Travel To Australia CHINESE – Here is the reason why the Chinese governmenturged its citizens not to travel to Australia. The first person infected with the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) may have been a resident in Wuhan City, China. The Chinese government immediately place the city into … Read more

DOH Apologizes For Claiming Some China Test Kits Show Inaccurate Results, Says 100k Kits Are Okay


Health Department Apologizes For Claiming Some China Test Kits Have Low Accuracy Rate The Department of Health has apologized for claiming that some test kits from China are only 40% accurate and explained that 100k test kits are okay. Last weekend, the Health Department reported that some coronavirus test kits from the Chinese government have … Read more

3 Filipino drug mules are running out of time

3 Filipino drug mules are running out of time

The Government is trying to do all they can to save our fellowmen in China. Would that kind of statement bring hope to the families of the three Filipino mules? Until now, the Philippines are trying to bargain with the Chinese government. Vice President Jejomar Binay went to Beijing last month               to please china for … Read more