Customer Disappointed After Being Denied Ketchup for Purchased Burger at Fast-Food Chain


Lady Customer Expresses Dismay After Being Denied Ketchup for Purchased Burger A lady customer expressed her frustration after a fast-food restaurant allegedly refused to provide her with ketchup for her purchased burger. Recently, Lorinda de Guzman, a Facebook user, shared her experience with a well-known fast-food chain. The post quickly circulated on social media and … Read more

Teacher Discovers Disgusting Object in Burger From Restaurant


Female Teacher Airs Dismay After Discovering Disgusting Object in Burger She Bought From Restaurant A female teacher expressed her disappointment after discovering a disgusting object in a burger she bought from a restaurant. The educator took to social media to express her disappointment after finding a worm in the lettuce of her burger at a … Read more

AirAsia Reveals Burger That Can Help Fight HIV/AIDS


AirAsia Launches Burger That Helps In Funding For The Fight Against HIV/AIDS AIRASIA – Airlines AirAsia recently launched a gimmicky burger that can help support the campaign to save the victims of HIV/AIDS. As of now, there is no permanent cure for HIV/AIDS or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome, and we are still … Read more